Flyers 'remain an important part of marketing strategies'

Marketers should be making the case for direct mail materials - such as flyers - it has been claimed.

Direct mail materials, such as flyers, continue to be a valuable part of marketing strategies, despite the rise of digital media.

That is the view of David Dodd, who wrote in an article for Print CEO that although online marketing techniques are important, it is wrong to think direct mail has become a less effective promotional tool.

"Numerous research studies have shown that many potential buyers still prefer to receive marketing messages via direct mail over digital marketing alternatives," he observed.

Mr Dodd stated marketing service providers are now faced with the challenge of how to persuade a sceptical audience that materials such as flyers are still important.

He advised people to demonstrate the effectiveness of direct mail in an objective, evidence-based way in order to get their point across.

The writer's comments follow the publication of a paper by Experian which concluded the medium remains one of the most successful methods of communicating with customers.

Published: 8th November 2010

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