Poster printing to be produced on A3?

Poster printing on A3 paper has many benefits, it has been claimed.

Companies looking to reduce their outgoings may wish to produce more marketing materials on A3 paper, following suggestions from one writer.

The author of an article on stated poster printing to larger paper sizes is cost effective and an A3 printer can tackle a broader range of jobs than a smaller machine.

Firms can print professional-looking posters using an A3 inkjet, as well as other point-of-sale materials, the individual continued.

The contributor explained organisations can customise such documents to suit individual retailers, which will enhance their business relationships and give their customers better value.

"Larger printed output also creates greater impact, making it ideal for impressing clients with your sales pitch or gathering a group of people around to discuss," the writer commented.

Furthermore, entrepreneurs who are establishing new companies may wish to use booklet printing to improve their marketing strategy, after Ray Wood told The Australian producing a booklet helped get his business off the ground.

Published: 22nd October 2010

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